Beyond the Classroom
St Mark’s offers a variety of activities to allow our students to explore and grow their interests beyond the classroom.
Student Leadership
Student agency and voice are developed through opportunities to develop leadership skills in roles such as SRC representation, School Captains, House Captains and Peer Mentors.

The breadth and quality of our Music program is well known. Our students are encouraged to learn an instrument through the music tuition program and we offer access to private tutors who visit St Mark’s to work with students.
As their skills develop, students have the opportunity to join the band program and perform within and beyond the school environment.
We also offer the opportunity for our students to develop their singing skills and become part of our school choir.
Their year together culminates in a Choir Tour with a visit to a nearby region and performances for other organisations.
Outdoor Education – Camps and Excursions
St Mark’s has an extensive Outdoor Education program that allows our students to undertake a camping experience each year.
These experiences add to our students’ classroom learning, and provide opportunities to develop their social skills and emotional wellbeing.
Our rich excursion program also brings learning from the classroom to life through lived experiences.
Social Justice
We strive to develop a social justice perspective in our students.
Through our association with local, national and global organisations including many reputable charities our students come to a better appreciation of the world around them and how they are called to selflessly serve others.
Pedal Prix
St Mark’s has been involved in the Australian Pedal Prix Series since 2008 with our team ‘St Mark’s Lutheran Lightning’. Our senior students who participate in the annual competition develop their personal fitness, as well as a strong team spirit and a high sense of achievement.
Pedal Prix is co-ordinated by the parents of the participants who have lots of fun through their involvement.
We encourage our students to pursue active lives and we support their passion for sport by encouraging participation at all levels, including interschool competition.
Our students are given the opportunity to attend the full range of opportunities available in the SAPSASA program, Lutheran Schools Athletics Champion Challenge and local and state sporting clubs coaching clinics.
Other Experiences
A fundamental belief of St Mark’s is to provide a holistic education which is enhanced by a wide variety of experiences. With this in mind, our students also have the opportunity to take part in:

- Student leadership including as House Captains, School Captains and Student Representative Council members
- School performances including our biennial whole-school musical
- Swimming Instruction (Foundation to Year 4)
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Chess Club
- School Assembly and Chapel services
- Church services at St Mark’s Lutheran Church