2025 Learning Conversations

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Wednesday, 2 April, Tuesday, 8 April, & Thursday, 10 April 2024

We look forward to providing you with the opportunity to speak directly with your child’s teacher and gain an understanding of your child’s strengths and areas for development.

This year, we are asking students to attend their Learning Conversation previously termed Parent / Teacher interviews. This will be an opportunity for your child to provide an insight into their experience of school so far.

To coordinate these meetings, we are using an internet-based booking system called ‘Parent Teacher on-Line’ (PTO). By clicking on the icon situated to the right, you will be able to book the meeting times that suit you best. You will receive an email when bookings are open.

If you encounter any problems using PTO, please contact the School Office by phone on 8391 0444 or by email to [email protected]