Student Wellbeing

We are dedicated to creating a safe and caring environment for our students to not only maximise their learning, but to also support them to become socially and emotionally well-balanced young people.

Our extensive Care Program, co-ordinated by our Religious Pastoral Support Worker, ensures our students and their families feel connected, cared-for and supported by our school and its community.

Individual support

Our Religious Pastoral Support Worker plays a pivotal role in supporting students and their families through life’s ups and downs and is accessible for students during the school week.

Class Carer Program

Each of our classes is supported by a volunteer class carer from the St Mark’s community. In this role, they are able to connect with and assist the class teacher, students and their families.

The Class Carer Program includes varied support such as home-cooked meals from our school community in times of need, a listening ear or advice and support for new families on settling in to our community.

Seasons for Growth

Students who have experienced grief or challenging life changes can receive support and guidance through the voluntary Seasons for Growth program.

It provides students with a safe place to share their experiences, while also learning effective, evidence-based ways to respond and adapt to change, loss and grief.

Behaviour Education

Our behaviour management philosophy has a strong focus on forgiveness and restorative justice.

We consider all forms of bullying to be unacceptable – whether it be physical, emotional or cyber-bullying – and we work to ensure consequences are enacted at an appropriate level.

St Mark’s has adopted a Behaviour Education Policy and associated procedures that recognise the importance of identifying and managing behaviour challenges appropriately.

We are committed to using restorative practices to effectively address behaviour issues while also restoring relationships.